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Bureau R.F. & A.L.
Sub. Dist of Memphis,
Sub. Asst. Com'rs. Office,
Memphis, Tenn., May 2nd 1868.

Lieut. W.H. Bower
Nashville, Tenn.

I have the honor, in accordance with Circular No. 13, Series 1867, from the Assistant Commissioner's Office for the State of Tenn., to submit the following report of the number and kind of claims, and the amount collected and paid on each, paid at this Office during the month of April 1868:

[[9-column table]]
| No. | Date, 1868. April. | Name. | Rank. | Co. | Regt. & Arm of Service. | Kind of Claiml. | Amount Dolls. | Amount ¢. |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

| 1 | 1st | James Ewing | Pvt. | K. | 11th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty. | 157 | 50 |

| 2 | 1st | Joseph Esken | Pvt. | G. | 11th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty. | 153 | 50 |

| 3 | 1st |Aaron Lewis | Pvt. | G. | 11th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty. | 203 | 50 |

| 4 | 1st | Edmond Pullum | Sgt. | K. | 11th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty. | 226 | 50 |

| 5 | 1st | Minnie Lake, Widow of Green Lake | Pvt. | D. | 64th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty. | 218 | 89 |

| 6 | 2nd | Hudson McClure | Copl. | C. | 64th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty. | 192 | 70 |

| 7 | 2nd | David Hodges | Pvt. | A. | 61st U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty. | 287 | 50 |

| 8 | 2nd | Allen Sikes | Pvt. | K | 11th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty. | 261 | 50 |

| 9 | 3d | John Sikes | Pvt. | K | 11th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty. | 241 | 50 |

[[end of table]]

Am't. ford. 1.993.09