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Bureau R.F. & A.L.,
Sub-Dist. of Memphis,
Sub-Asst. Comr's. Office,
Memphis, Tenn., July 2nd 1868.

Lieut. W.H. Bower,
A.A.A. Gen'l.,
Nashville, Tenn.

I have the honor, in accordance with Circular No. 13, series 1867, from the Asst. Com'rs. Office for the State of Tenn., to submit the following report of the number and kind of claims, and the amount collected and paid on each, paid at this office during the month of June 1868:

[[9 columned table]]
| No. | Date 1868 June | Name | Rank | Co | Reg. and Arm of Service | Kind of Claim | Amount Dolls. | Amount ¢ |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| 1 | 1st | Jacob Bailey | Pvt. | D. | 11th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty | 220 | 50 |
| 2 | 1st | James Davenport | Pvt. | A. | 11th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty | 228 | 70 |
| 3 | 1st | Braxton Clopton | Pvt. | B. | 11th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty | 286 | 00 |
| 4 | 1st | Edward Mitchell | Mus. | C. | 55th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty | 239 | 50 |
| 5 | 1st | Sarah Ann Cole, widow of Alexander Cole | Sgt | F. | 55th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty | 235 | 37 |
| 6 | 1st | Jessee Scott | B.S. | A. | 55th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty | 226 | 50 |
| 7 | 2nd | Daniel Harwell | Pvt. | A. | 2nd U.S.C.L.A. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty | 308 | 30 |
| 8 | 2nd | Sterling Carleton | Pvt. | G. | 61st U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty | 229 | 46 |
| 9 | 2nd | Wesley Peters, father of Enoch Westley | Pvt. | C. | 11th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty | 187 | 50 |
| 10 | 3d | Caroline Peters, widow of Isaac Peters | Corpl. | F. | 11th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty | 236 | 50 |
| 11 | 3d | Ransom Christopher | Pvt. | B. | 64th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty | 294 | 70 |
| 12 | 3d | Jim Long | Pvt. | E. | 64th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty | 191 | 30 |
| 13 | 3d | Martin Malone | Pvt. | A. | 110th U.S.C.T. | Arrears of Pay & Bounty | 148 | 25 |

Amt. ford. 3.032.58