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[[11 columned table]]
| No. of Page | No. of Lease | Name of Lessee. | Name of Former Owner or Claimant. | Description of Property | Locality of Property. | Date of Lease | Term of Lease | Amount Dolls. | Amount Cts. | Remarks |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |

|   | 81. | Seiderman Simon | John M Bass | One Store House | No. 39. North Market St. Nashville, Tenn | Jan. 1st/65 | Mth: to Mth | 166 | 67 | Property Restored. |
|   | 82. | Laeb Jacob | John M Bass | One Store House | No. 2 Union, St. Nashville, Tenn | Jan. 1st/65 | Mth: to Mth | 250 | 00 | Property Restored. |
|   | 83. | Gates and Rohlman Cancelled| John M Bass | One Store House | No. 40. Nth College St. Nashville, Tenn | Jan. 1st/65 | Mth: to Mth | 331 | 00 | Property Restored. |
|   | 84. | Houerton C. L.  | John M Bass | One Store House | No. 37. North Market St. Nashville, Tenn | Jan. 1st/65 | Mth: to Mth | 166 | 67 | Property Restored. |
|   | 85. | Carroll Haugh. | John M Bass | One Store House | No. 45 Broad St. Nashville, Tenn | Jan. 1st/65 | Mth: to Mth | 133 | 33 | Property Restored. |
|   | 86. | Cammon T. B. | John M Bass | One Store House | No. 47 Broad St. Nashville, Tenn | Jan. 1st/65 | Mth: to Mth | 133 | 33 | Lease Transferred, Property Restored. |
|   | 87. | Frank M. Cancelled| John M Bass | One Store House | No. 47 Broad St. Nashville, Tenn | June. 1st/65 | Mth: to Mth | 133 | 33 | Property Restored. |
|   | 88. | L V Adams | John M Bass | Lot of ground | 14 ft. front by 30 ft. deepof Lot, No. 35. on Cherry St. commencing 16 1/4 feet from De Membrane St. Nashville, Tenn. | Feby 15/65 | Mth: to Mth | 7 | 00 | Property Restored. |
|   | 89. | Elliott W Y. | John M Bass | One Store House | No. 49 Broad St. Nashville, Tenn | Jan. 1/65 | Mth: to Mth | 133 | 33 | Property Restored. |
|   | 90. | Hardebeck C B | John M Bass | 1st Floor of Store House | No. 6 Union St. | Apl. 1st/65 | Mth: to Mth | 166 | 70 |Property Restored |
|   | 91. | Ray Peter| John M Bass | Log Houses and Land on which situated | Nos. 88-&90, Summer St. Cor. of the Membrane | Apl. 1/65 | Mth: to Mth | 10 | 00 |Property Restored |