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List of Abandoned Lands in Anderson Co. Tenn.

[[11 columned table]]

| No. | Name of Former Owner | Where Situated Town | Where Situated Specific Locality | Description of Property | By Whom Seized | When Seized | From Whom Received | When Received | Political History of Owner | Remarks | 

| 1 | Bowling Joel | Anderson Co | 5 Dist. | One Grist Mill & One Lot of Land |   | Nov 10 64 |   |   |   |   |

| 2 | Jarnigan John | Anderson Co | 6th Dist. | Farm and Ferry Application has been made by Janigan for the restoration of his property, and in accordance with Capt. Walkers suggestion I didnot call on any of the Janigan Lesees.|  |   |   |   |   |   |