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YOSHIDA, Bibliography, cont. 
page three

Books and Catalogues, cont....
The School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Visions/Painting and Sculpture Today: Distinguished Alumni 1945 to the Present. Chicago: The School of Art Institute of Chicago, 1976. pg. 198-9.

Whitney Halstead Memorial Exhibition. Chicago: The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, & Rockford College with a grant from The Illinois Arts Council, 1980. Essay by Phillip Dedrick.

The University of Chicago. The Chicago Style: Drawings. Chicago: The University of Chicago, Center for Continuing Education, Arts on the Midway Program, 1974.

University of Northern Iowa. Contemporary Chicago Painters. Waterloo-Cedar Falls, Iowa: U. of Northern Iowa, Department of Art, Gallery of Art, 1978. Commentary by Sanford Sivitz Shaman, pgs. 8-12. Also pgs. 34-35.

Weatherspoon Art Gallery. Art on Paper/1975. Greensboro, North Carolina: Weatherspoon Art Guild, 1975.

Whitney Museum of American Art. The Comic Art Show: Cartoons in Painting and Popular Culture. New York, N.Y.: The Whitney Museum of American Art, 1983. Essay by John Carlin and Sheena Wagstaff, pgs. 55-69.

Essay, Periodicals, and Reviews 

Adrian, Dennis. "Fantastic Images: A Postscript in Drawings." Chicago Daily News, Panorama, February 10-11, 1973, pg. 4. 

"The Import of Imagism." Dialogue Magazine, May/June 1988, vol. 11, no. 3.

Anderson, Don J.."Our Local Artists Prove Their Worth."
Now! Chicago Today, March 14, 1971, pg. 81. 

Artner, Alan G.. "German Photo Exhibit a 'Must See'." Chicago Tribune, Section 4, August 4, 1978, pg. 14.

"Promsing Note Turns Sour at Art Institute." Chicago Tribune, Arts & Fun, February 20, 1977, pg. 4-5.

Baldwin, Nick. "Chicago Art at UNI." Des Moines Register, Sunday, April 9, 1979, pg. 5B.