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October 12, 1980

578 College St
Apt. 5 

Dear Betty Parsons, (Mrs. P.)

Whenever I see you I get so tongue-tied that I'm embarrassed to say much. I can't! So now that I'm back here in Georgia, I thought I'd write what I can't seem to verbally express. I have two photographs of you in my studio.  One is from 1978 when I was first there and there was the luncheon at Jock's on the Beach. The other is from an announcement of your show last year at Kornthee.

This is to tell you of my affection for you and my gratitude for your support. The dept. of 20th Century Art at the Metropolitan Museum of Art now has one of my pieces in its corridors or caverns somewhere.

I'm going back to using old bricks for molds because I think I'm beginning to get a "slick" look in my work and I don't want that. Using cardboard boxes was easier and I could pour more pieces simultaneously but, it won't work. I hate a slick look and I was starting to lose the ancient look of stone, I think. So, it will take me longer and the work is physically more demanding but I'll do it. Saw a notice of your show in Alabama. I've sort of decided to stay out of Alabama. Much success anyway.

Most Sincerely,
Beverly Buchanan

Transcription Notes:
1 [[?]] left just 2 items I can't quite decipher