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Esther G. Rolick

Sept 26, 1946

Dear Mrs. Parker

Thank you again for your friendly letter.

Now for a short biographical sketch.

I was born Oct 9, 1922 in Rochester, New York of Russian-Pole parents My creativeness took the form of poetry through the early years & adolescence until the age of 16, (which to me will always be the age of such sharp new wonderful discoveries) that is when I began to draw, to paint, to model in clay with an intensity & enthusiasm that was encouraged by a few teachers. I attended the Memorial Art Gallery 
 in Rochester,* [[left margin]] *the life sculpture class [[/left margin]] a few evenings a week aside from my regular curriculum at school, studying under William Ehrlich.

Through the study of sculpture I grasped the importance of line & form, and have transferred this understanding into my painting with a lucidity and plasticity, along with my love for color, pattern, design thus creating my personal expresion in oils.

After graduating High School in Rochester I came to New York and attended classes at the Art Students League for 4 years. I studied the Graphic Arts with Harry Sternberg, Will Barnet, and sculpture with William Zorach & Ossip J. Zadkine.

Ossip J. Zadkine is a rare being. He is the most articulate of teachers. And without question a lyric poet of titanic stature & truly a great sculptor.