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on a scholarship or not, even if it takes a life time. And if I am fortunate in getting it published (I do know a few publishers in N.Y) I do believe such an opus might be quite revolutionary in this sense; It will present architecture etc of great lasting beauty thru an artist's vision & imagination, in such a manner that departs very much from the stereotypical works - that it could become in a sense an eye opener, for not only adults, but children thru various ages in schools & colleges. It will not be something dry & the usual expected sort of thing. Like everything else people must be educated in order to appreciate a good deal & to arrive at a sympathy & tolerance of different ways of thinking.

But - above all - if all is well - in some small measure I hope it will accomplish I am setting out to do - to help create world unity - and an artist, moreso than politicians etc - can help to create this striving for a "one world" 

Now - as to a permanent address - (Rochester is the one) but