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the only one I can give you for the time being is 550 So. Hobart Los Angeles - Cal. I am moving there this morning & I am writing this off to you before departing from the Y I have been staying at.

Because it does take capital (a great deal) to open up a studio for teaching I have applied for a teaching job at the private schools - whether it is in a class of my own at another's school or at a school of my own - my aims are still the same & I can accomplish as much. I was, by the way, received very warmly at Choinard [[Chouinard]] - the Director Dale Owen upon seeing phot. of my pntgs & so forth exclaimed - That I was not new to him he has admired my work for a long time & thought I belonged in such a school, & certainly would make an inspiring instructor despite his negative attitude about most women painters. Of course this time of the year is a very poor