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of his. And wish him all good things & great joy & personal success to him.

Just yesterday, Dale Owen - conductor at Choinard [[Chouinard]] Art Institute offered me a Saturday morning children's painting teaching class for this forthcoming [[strikethrough]] Saturday [[/strikethrough]] September. He really is so interested in my work I think he created the job for me - but that isn't enough of a job for me to maintain myself. In this time of crises like all institutions of learning art schools are hit hard, some told me they dont know if they'll have students by September - there isn't any point in my remaining here in that case. I was working at anything til Sept- thinking I could get a dependable teaching job.

And this morning along with your delightful letter, came at long last some word from the Tiffany Foundation - "My application has received an "A" rating & they wish to see [[strikethrough]] eviden [[/strikethrough]] examples of my work this September.

Not hearing from them in so long because the jury met July 1st I sent a copy of my project to the