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never been done & as I stated it could not possibly be a losing proposition for anyone concerned. Adv. pays off.

What I suggested to the pub. was to add this new vital section called "Jobs Unlimited O" (O repres. the world) Roughly it would have 2 large sections I. Job opportunities II Jobs wanted. Under IA. "in Industry & Commerce
textile design
wallpaper designs
pkg designs
Jewelry - silverware

B - opp. in the Schools
C - opp. theater cinema
D   opp. Dept Stores
E   opp. Display (papier mache, wires &c) 
F - opp. Restoration work for museums etc
G.  opp. Publications (Illustrations, reviews[[?]] maps etc-
H  opp. Fashion work
I - The other side of the Easel Jobs
Art Directors Etc.

An informative sheet woudl be sent to foreign embassies, to all the schools, industries etc- informing then about the project & asking them to participate. Any expense entailed because of any initial adv. effort will be completely by ads submitted & paid for by artists alone. circulation increases! It is a unique plan & I would enjoy doing the work at a salary of course.

Honestly - how does it strike you - isn't it exciting?
Love - Esther-