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[[left margin, stationary header]] BEATRICE WOOD [[//left margin]] ROUTE 1, BOX 96-J • OJAI, CALIFORNIA • TELEPHONE MILTON 6-3381

Dear Dorothy:     Aug. 12th. 1961

The slides have just arrived and I am so happy to have them. Enclosed is my check.

It was the devil that we missed each other in New York. I had three frightfully busy days there, and then flew on to Washington.

The department of state had me booked with nine appointments so that I flew all around the place, with no idea whether the weather was hot or cold. My trip is not set, and all details arranged.

I leave September 20th. Will fly to Tokyo for three days, and then three in Hong Kong, arriving in New Delhi about October 5th. I have written the embassy there that I am interested in visiting small as well as late places, with particular interest on the finer crafts. I am sure your slider will be of great interest to the textile people.

Thank you for the colored pictures taken by the pool. It is fun to have them, and some tangible record of your somewhat quick and intangible visit. 

Some day I must meet your Pat.

With much Love,
