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United States Information Services

Phone: 43041

Bahawalpur House
Sikandra Road
New Delhi, India

B.W. American Specialist
c/o American Embassy
New Delhi, India.  .....Until Feb.10th.

Jan. 24th. 1962

Dear Dorothy:

My fabulous trip will shortly end. I leave the 10th of February, so to Japan, for my exhibition will open there Feb.20th. at the Takishamaya Department store. Then back to California beginning of March.

Though I had only two days in Amdebad, I saw a lot of the Sarabai's, luncheon, dinner and breakfast. We could hardly say goodbye. I also made time to see the wonderful textile Museum, with the amsing [[amusing]], bold and surrealist designs. What a country this is? Now I am in Delhi for Republic Day, and seeing beautiful folk dances and amsing [[amusing]] costumes.

My exhibition has bee extraordinarily successful everywhere, with 3000 a day attending in Bombay. The Governor there inaugerated [[inaugurated]] the opening. Tomorrow I have tea with the President, so I have met high and low. The low being [[strikthrough]]beait [[/strikethrough]] beautiful, destitute village women. I have visited factories, museums, villages, places.

With the result that I have tears at parting, for I have made so many wonderful friends everywhere.

Should you write by return mail, I might possibly get the letter, otherwise could you write to Tokyo, address below and let me know what has happened about a possible exhibition of both our works. For I should let Mrs. Webb know one way or the other.

Much love, unfortunately in a hurry, they give me such a heavy program, 


Feb. 18th-26th.
% Cultural Attache
American Embassy