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April 14th, 1962

Beatrice Wood
P. O. Box 96-J
Ojai, Cal.

Dear Beatrice: 

We really do have the most frightful luck in meeting.  I've never seen anything to equal the way you come to New York just when I'm leaving. 

It so happens that my schedule for the future should have been reported to you long ago and maybe you could have changed your trip to come for the last week in April.  In any event, I leave tomorrow with Bill Pahlmann for a brother and sister act at the University of Kansas for the Hallmark people.  We'll be there all the week of Monday, the 16th.  I return in time for Easter Sunday and then have a hectic week getting ready to go to London to cover the Man-Made Fiber Conference the week of May 1st. Pat is coming to join me.  We'll be at the Savoy and have a chance to meet many mutual friends, which will be nice.  Also, this is an interesting conference. 

Then I go back to Holland with him for what is known as an unusual thing, REST; - can you imaging that? I plan to sit and do practically nothing, but, of course, I will be seeing a few mills on the side.  I'm going up to Helsinki just for the experience of seeing some of those mills which Bigelow now owns.