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November 3rd, 1962

Dear Beatrice Wood:

In reply to your letter of October 11th, and your opening question, What has happened to our exhibition?, I would say, absolutely nothing. As far as I can find out, the Museum of Contemporary Crafts, who is having a great big pottery exhibit now, shows mostly the very heavy, huge clumpy sort of things which are less fragile than the delicate, elegant things you do. I'm sure you can do the big hunky things too, but in any event, as a group they seem to hesitate at transporting pottery from city to city. It turns out being a very precarious and expensive matter.

Mrs. Pope has been in Europe most of this summer. I finally saw her yesterday and popped the question immediately about what she wanted to do. She said that she had written you that whatever was done would have to be sometime in the distant future, because she too is afraid of pottery and porcelain exhibits, but she wants to see your things and plans to come to the coast at some given time in the not too distant future.

I understand from your letter that you might go back to India and I imagine this is somewhat changed by the local situation. They have been such absolute idiots to act so unrealistically and it's an open secret now that Krishna Mennon has been a communist all along. What the relationship between Mennon and Nehru is nobody quite knows but whatever it is, it doesn't sound healthy and now, of course, there's this big blowup with the possibility of India really being overrun by the Chinese hordes. It's happened before in history and all because the leaders in India were sweetness and light and non-aggressive that they sat back. I'm a little annoyed by Nehru's daughter selling a paltry little $800.00 worth of jewels as a start on buying arms when everybody knows that
