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Dear Dorothy: We have returned from New York where we telephoned you but with no effect. I wonder where you are now . . .

During our absence came this report of Frank's life (I did not show it to him) with the request to add more material to it to bring it up to date. As you see, it looks pretty bad for a man of Frank's stature. This came fromthe Associated Press and it occured to me to ask a great favor of you. Could you ask your husband if the whole thing could be rewritten without the stress on the details which really do not characterize Frank's life. The contributions he has made and the recognition he has had during these past years in this country and all over the world seem to me of primary importance. Or in general I wish you could tell me what to do. I hate to mention it to Frank until I hear from you. Please.

Iovanna is back, looking well. She was very disappointed not to have seen you in Paris. She got the message from the maid who could not get your married name correctly. She went to your hotel and could not find you.

Is there any chance of you coming to visit us here or in the Desert? We will be leaving in the first part of November.

With love