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I had a letter from your little design girl who is doing the interiors of the Inn and I'm bringing a lot of things that have no relation to my program just to show her. I'm sure I can get things at a rock-bottom price, much less costly, than most people, because of my duPont affiliation. So many of the things use something of man-made fibers.

Also would you tell me if there is any additional color in pillows which your mother would like. I can see for myself when I'm there, but since I'm shipping things out in great big cases, it might be a good time for any additional fabrics or colors that you might need desperately.

Best love, and again, happy, happy new year. I know this is going to be a great world for you and Eve and I pray that your mother is going to be all well and enjoy many, many years of continued activity.

Pat joins me in best love to you.


