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And so it turned out to be. I did everything I could to earn Belle's friendship. In a very little time, she melted.
She was a truly great teacher of teachers, a genius in fact. She had exquisite taste, a sensitivity to beauty one rarely encounters. I cannot begin to put into words how much she taught me about art, nor how greatly she enhanced my understanding of color and design. Soon she began inviting me to her home where she lived with her mother. Her suppers were wonderful. On these occasions, we talked about art until late into the night and she enumerated the many opportunities to enroll in night classes in museums. I determined to do so, beginning with tapestry, rugs and embroidery, about which I knew very little.  Belle Boaz was the third of the teachers who so greatly influenced me in the formative years of my work. 
It was through Belle Boaz that I presently found