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history of the West Coasts, form California to Peru, in printing done during the era of the Conquistadores. Among the great collectors in San Francisco were Morgan and Aline Cunst. Books bound in hand-tooled leather covered the walls of their drawing room and from a distance they looked more like tapestry or wall hangings than books. I became friendly with three women who had their own studio-binderies, Belle Young, Florence Walter, and Peter Fahey. Their work was of such beauty that some of it is in the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris today. In short, in the fine printing and binding, I came upon a rich field of design-inspiration. I strongly commend it to the attention of young designers today.

Indirectly, Albert Bender saved my life. He placed me in the hands of his friend, Dr. Harold Brunn, when I needed a major operation. A few nights later, I developed pneumonia in the hospital. My lungs began filling. It became increasingly difficult to breathe and I was terrified.