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Far from rejecting my designs, he liked the metal threads and the desert-Western look of the weaving. Gesturing toward the tall stack he had chosen, he said, "Ship it all to Taliesin." When he had gone, I said, "I can't really believe he means it. Let's wait and see." Two weeks later a curt telegram came, saying, "Where are fabrics? Ship without further delay. Advise. FLW."

As I say, I became friendly with him and with his beautiful wife, Olgivanna, who has a greatness of her own. More about them later. He had a sly sense of humor. On an occasion when I was slow in carrying out a commission from him, he sent a telegram that began, "Dear Dolly, you are not a wicked woman, but ---." He had taken to calling me "Dolly the Liebes." When he found his autobiography on a shelf of my library, he scribbled on the flyleaf a single word, "Pleased. FLW."