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207 east 17 st.

Cape Cod School
of Art

[[stamp]] Apr 21 1904 [[\stamp]]

My dear Mr. Watsons

I am very anxious to [[strikethrough]] to [[\strikethrough]] get more photographs of my picture "girl-Gerren" which received the Hallgurton prize at the Academy.

The photographer, who copied the pictures for the Academy Catalogue writes me that the Academy owns the plate.

Would it be possible for me to get some prints or buy

[[stamp]] Apr 21 1903 [[\stamp]]

the plates outright

As I understand it my picture was one of the [[?]] photographed for the Catalogue I mention it's thinking it may help you I place it.

Thanking you in advance

I remain 
Very Sincerely

Charles W Hawthorne
Chas. W. Hawthorne

Apr 22/1904