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October 15, 1974

Dear Jim:

Sorry that I didn't answer your postcard sooner. We have included the drawing you are anxious to show in our lists and you can be sure that it will be included. Before I forget, the address of the RC Studio is Vicolo Degli Astalli 5, 00186, Rome. We do not know Afro's address, but your letter will be sent on to him.

We are getting very excited here about your show. Under separate cover we are sending you lists of both drawings and paintings. Fortunately, we seem to have ample room to show all the drawings. We have however, run into a minor problem on space for the paintings and you will note on the list that we have marked some that you indicated in our conversation were not preferred, that we must exclude from the show. However, if you would like to substitute others, please feel free to do so bearing in mind our limited space. Also you might choose to use the small gallery on the third floor for additional paintings instead of for Variations On A Theme. Would you also check the spelling of the names of the paintings and return the list to us so that we may begin to request the paintings from their owners.

My warmest regards to Charlotte. I am looking forward to seeing you both soon.
