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October 22, 1974

Dear Jim:

Enclosed are the lists that I promised you in my last letter. We anticipate no problems with exhibiting all the drawings.

We have gone over the list of paintings with David and as noted, some have been eliminated because of our space problem. In order to save money on shipping, we are concentrating on obtaining those paintings that are in the New York area. Of course this list is not definitive as we will have to make substitutions for those that may not be available for loan. We can fill in with works still at the Martha Jackson Gallery. Please let us know any thoughts you may have on this matter.

Good news. Since your exhibition is not going to Cranbrook until September, we have arranged for it to be shown in the Grand Rapids Public Museum and the Flint Institute of Art over the summer. I have discussed this with David who is very pleased.

Looking forward to seeing you and Charlotte soon.
