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Art Now - Volume 8 'Abstraction and Lyricism", edited by Makoto O. Oka Kodansha, Ltd. - Japan - Color plate, P 98, Tokyo 112

James Brooks: Stain into Image by April Kingsley P 48-49 color plate + b+w. repro, p 49. - article in Art News, Dec 1972

Very Well Done - and Very Boring by Peter Schjeldahl - NY Times Sunday Nov 19 1972 - article + reproduction

The Guggeheim [[Guggenheim]] Collection

The Nelson Aldrich Rockef [[Rockefeller]] Collection

Polymer Painting by Russell O. Woody, Jr 
Van Nostrand Reinhold, NY

American Painting in the 20th Century by Henry Geldzahler
Metropolitan Museum, NY

[[strikethrough]] James Brooks - Dallas Museum of Fine Arts 1972
by Merrill Rueppel
20 color plates - 12 b+w LISTED LATER [[/strikethrough]]

The Artist's World by Fred W McDarrah
Dutton, NY Paperback, 1961

Who's Who in American Art, Jacques Cattell Press PO Box 27148 Tu Arizona 85282

The Martha Jackson Collection, Tokyo, - Color Plate, 9 - B+W p 10 + 11 SEIBU DEPT STOREI [[STORES]].

James Brooks, review of 1972 show by Wm D. Case, Arts Mag, Dec + Jan 1973 B + W Repro.

Dictionary of International Biography - Cambridge, England.

American Art of the 20th Century - Sam Hunter, Harry N Abrams, N.Y.

James Brooks (the 1972 [[text cut off]]