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Kingsley, April. "James Brooks: stain into image," Art News, 75, #8 (1972), 48-49.
Modern Art, A Pictorial Anthology. New York, 1958. edited by Charles McCurdy.
Modern Artist in America. (first series) New York, n.d. edited by Robert Goodnough.
The New American Painting. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1959.
Ponente, Nello. Modern Painting. Contemporary Trends. Cleveland, 1960.
Pousette-Dart, Nathaniel. American Painting Today. New York, 1956.
Ritchie, Andrew C. Abstract Painting and Sculpture in America. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1951.
Rosenberg, Harold. "The Art World," New Yorker, (March 6, 1971), p.73.
Rosenstein Harris. "Beyond Control," Art News, 69, #10 (1971), 48-49 and 73.
Sandler, Irving. "James Brooks and the abstract inscape." Art News, 61, #10 (1963), 30-31 and 60-63.
Sandler, Irving. The Triumph of American Painting. New York, 1970. 
Tapie, Michael. Morphologie Autre. Torino, 1960.
Twelve Americans. New York: Museum of Modern Art, 1956. edited by Dorothy Miller.
Woody, Russell O. Jr. Polymer Painting. New York, 1969.
The World of Abstract Art. New York, 1957.