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[[Image Logo of d/g]]


1. Black Sienna, 1960*
oil on canvas / 92" x 67"

2. Harleman, 1960
oil on canvas / 53" x 102"

3. Garcia, 1957
oil on canvas / 95" x 80"

4. Calumet City, 1959
oil on board / 15 1/4" x 14"

5. Two Pastels, 1958 (diptych)
pastel / 11" x 8 3/4" each

6. Study for August Day, 1957
oil on paper / 14 7/8" x 12 1/4"

7. Composition, 1955
oil on paper / 10 3/4" x 8 1/4"

8. Composition, 1953
oil on paper / 10 3/4" x 8 1/4"

* Illustrated