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The exhibition "Out of Context" was curated by Rosalie Schwartz and Sophie Newman for the Thorpe Intermedia Gallery and was presented there from September 16 through October 21, 1984.

© Thorpe Intermedia Gallery, 1984. Route 340, Sparkill, New York 10976


The exhibit "Out of Context" marks the beginning of Thorpe Intermedia Gallery's ninth year of imaginative, mind-stretching shows. Over the past eight years, through its exhibitions, artist in residence program, and related activities such as concerts, workshops, and performances, Thorpe Intermedia Gallery has explored the art of our own day. It has provided a forum for contemporary artists; a place for creative interchange between art, artist, and audience.

Thorpe Intermedia Gallery was established in 1976 by the Dominican Sisters of Sparkill, and is rooted in the conviction that the arts affirm and celebrate the life of the spirit.

The gallery is nonprofit and operates under the aegis of the Intermedia Foundation of Garnerville, New York. It is supported by its members and friends. It also receuves public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts, the Rockland County Legislature, and from other public and private agencies.

Adele Myers, O.P.
Gallery Director

to Sophie Newman
a memorial dedication

Sophie Newman and I started planning this exhibition about three years ago, meeting in our spare time. Our purpose was to break away from the pattern of artists' dependency on moves and decisions of art world managers, and take the initiative. We knew that the medium and ideas we were involved with were "not in vogue", and that the number of good artists working in this vein and not getting exposure was large indeed.

Sophie Newman was a vital, positive force in the artist communities in which she was active. Her humanity, generosity and sensitivity to the needs of women artists in particular was remarkable. Sophie Newman was an experimenter using her astonishing imagination and the fantastic figments of her unconscious to transfigure material finds into a visionary synthesis of ancient and modern.

Sophie Newman's spirit has gone into this exhibition. She was intensely involved with reality, and at the same time enjoyed an uncanny communion with the infinite. She wanted a world without wars.

We will miss Sophie Newman, who departed earth on March 18, 1983. Those of us who were fortunate to have known her and what this exhibition had meant to her cannot help but note its theme: the regeneration of matter. 

Rosalie Schwartz