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Born in Nice, France. US citizen in 1973. Has shown extensively throughout the world since 1956, including Galleria Schwartz in Milan in 1968; Palazzo Grassi and Venice Biennale in 1976 in Venice, Italy; Galerie Bonnier in Geneva, 1971; Stedelijk Museum in 1969 and Galerie Mathilde in 1978 in Amsterdam; Musee des Arts Decoratifs and Musee d'Art Monderne in Paris, 1969 and 1975 respectively; Musee Picasso in Antibes in 1983; Kunsthalle in Berlin in 1969; Art in Progress in Munich in 1980; Moderna Musset in Stockholm in 1970; Solomon Gallery in Dublin, 1982; Ace Gallery in Vancouver in 1970; International Festival in Luxembourg in 1978; Galerie Venise in Casablanca in 1971; Galerie Valeur in Nagoya, Japan in 1977; Tel-Aviv Museum in Israel in 1983 and Andrew Crispo and OK Harris Galleries in New York 1978 and 1982 respectively.
Has had solo shows in New York at Phoenix Gallery in 1979 and 1982; Gallery 91 in 1975 and the Brooklyn Museum in 1973. Has appeared in group shows at the Philadelphia Museum in 1981; The Summit Art Center in New Jersey in 1980; P.S. 1 in Queens, New York in 1979; Women in Arts in New York in 1978/79; Arte Fiera in Bologna in 1978; Witkin Gallery in New York in 1977 and the Taiwan Provincial Museum in 1977. 
Studied with Chaim Gross, Rudolph Baranik, Vaclav Vytlacil and Knox Martin. Has had solo shows in 1977 at the Fine Arts Library in Jersey City and the East River Savings Bank in New York. Appeared in New York University "Small Works" exhibition in 1984. 
Born in Alto, Michigan. Recipient of studio workspace grant at the Clocktower for 1973-76; National Prix de Cachet Award for Design in 1980. Has had yearly solo shows in New York at Sculpture to Wear (1972-76) and at Art Wear (1976-80) and solo exhibitions at Allen Stone Gallery in 1977, 1978 and 1979. has appeared in group shows at the Arsenal in New York in 1978; the La Jolla Museum in California in 1976; Harkness Krakow Gallery in Boston yearly from 1973 to 1980; the Albright Knox Museum in Buffalo in 1974 and the Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston in 1973. 
Born in Debrecen, Hungary. Worked with Fernand Leger and Andre Lhote in Paris and Henry Moore in London. was assistant director of Ozenfant School in London in 1938. Has had 32 solo shows, including in New York, Andrew Crispo Gallery in 1977; A.I.R. Gallery in 1973, 1975 and 1977 and Betty Parsons Gallery in 1950, 1954 and 1959. Has exhibited in group shows throughout the world, including the Chicago Art Institute, Museum of Modern Art, the Whitney Museum and the Brooklyn Museum in New York. Bibliography includes "Art in Boxes" (1974) and "Copy Art" (1978). Silkscreen murals commissioned for New York State legislative buildings in Albany in 1972. Received Gold Metal for Accademia Italia Delle Arti in Parma in 1979 and Distinguished Women Artists Award from the Women's Caucus for Art in San Francisco in 1981. Subject of film "Hats, Bottles and Bones" by Martha Edelheit. 
Born in Brooklyn New York. Studied with Richard Lippold, William Baziotes and Gabor Peterdi. Has had solo shows at Goodman Art Works in San Francisco in 1980; Hull Gallery in San Diego in 1977 and University of Vermont in 1975. Group shows include A Space in Toronto in 1982; and Northwest Artists' Workshop in Portland, Oregon and Zone in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1981. Is in several permanent collections, including the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., Ecart in Geneva and Archivio Exempla in Florence. Has published nine of her own books. 
Born in Dayton, Ohio. Has had solo exhibitions in New York at Chuck Levitan Gallery in 1979 and Open Studio in 1975. Group shows include, in New York, A.I.R. Gallery and Third Annual 100 Artists Show in 1981; Arsenal Gallery in 1978 and International Women's Year Exhibit in 1975. Was part of Artists Choice, traveling US show, in 1976 and 1977. 
Born in Malicorne, France. Many solo shows include Salamendoza in Venezuela in 1984; Cayman Gallery in New York in 1984; Centro de Bellas Artes in Maracaibo, Venezuela in 1980; Museo de Arte Moderne in Bogota, Colombia in 1978; Gallery Picpus in Montreux, Switzerland in 1975 and Sibley Haus in Heidelberh, Germany in 1967. Has appeared in group shows including Grafica XI, XII, and XIII at Sala Mendoza in Caracas in 1979, 1980 and 1981 and Salon de Mai in Paris in 1975. Is in the collections of Musee d'Art Moderne in Paris and Museo de Arte Moderne in Bogota. 
Born in Long Island, New York. Graduated from Pratt Institute in Brooklyn. 
Has had solo shows at Orion Gallery in 1981 and 1984 and Weston Gallery in New York in 1981 and 1982 and at Central Hall Gallery in Port Washington, New York in 1981 and 1982 and at Central Hall Gallery in Port Washington, New York in 1978. Group shows include Biennale Internationale de La Grouve in Krakow, Poland in 1980 and 1984; the Bronx Museum of Art in 1984; BACA Downtown Cultural Center in Brooklyn in 1983; International Intergrafik in Germany in 1980; Renwick Gallery in Washington, D.C. and Taiwan Provincial Museum in 1977. Received International "Peace 75" Silver Metal in Yugoslavia in 1975. Was curator of British International Print Biennale in 1982. 
Has had a solo exhibition in New York at Windows on White in 1983. Group shows include New York in 1984, Mo David Gallery, Sensory Evolution Gallery, and "Mail Art, Then and Now" at Franklin Furnace Archive; also the Aldrich Museum of Contemporary Art in Ridgefield, Connecticut in 1983 and Soho Center for Visual Artists in New York in 1982. Is in collections of Aldrich Museum, Richard Haegglofs Fondkommission in Stockholm and Needham, Harper and Steers in New York.
Solo shows in New York include Cichinelli Gallery in 1981; Valsamis Gallery in Brooklyn in 1979 and Ward-Nasse Gallery in 1975. Has been in such group exhibitions as "12 Women-Artists" curated by Linda Ferber at BACA Downtown Cultural Center in Brooklyn in 1982; American State of the Arts Gallery in New York in 1980, Hudson River Museum in Yonkers, New York in 1980; "Works on Paper" at Brooklyn Museum in 1975 and Larry Aldrich Museum in Ridgefield, Connecticut in 1974. Bibliography includes "Who's Who of American Women", in 1981 and "Art From Found Objects" by Jeremy Comins, 1975.


Born in Manila, the Phillippines. Has exhibited extensively. Solo shows include Oscarsson Hood Gallery in New York in 1982 and 1984; "Ossorio: 1940-80" at Guild Hall in Easthampton, New York in 1980; Cordier & Ekstrom Gallery on New York from 1963-1972 and Betty Parson Gallery in New York from 1951-1961. Group exhibitions include Weatherspoon Museum of Art in Greensboro, North Carolina in 1983; "The Found Object" at Marisa Del Re Gallery in New York in 1983; Museum of Modern Art in New York in 1963 and 1969; Documenta 3 in Kassel, Germany in 1964; Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York in 1956 and International Sky Festival in Osaka, Japan in 1960. Bibliography includes "Dada and Surrealist Art" by William S. Rubin and "Dubuffet and the Anticulture" by Richard L. Feigen in 1969. He has written two books, "Ossorio: A Selection" and "Art Brut", both published by Coldier & Warren in New York in 1961.
Has exhibited solo at American State of the Arts Gallery in New York in 1978, 1982 and 1984; University of Wisconsin, Superior from 1967-1984; Wisconsin Academy of Science, Arts and Letters in 1979 and Belmont Gallery in Chicago in 1960. Jurored group shows include Galex 17 National Competition at University of Illinois in 1983; Edna Carlsten Gallery in Stevens Point, Wisconsin in 1981 and Duluth Art Institute Annual Tri-State Competition from 1966 to 1978, where he received several awards.
Has had solo show at JCC Art Gallery in New Jersey; and has exhibited at Bergen Community Museum, Art Center of Northern New Jersey, Rockland Center for the Arts and the Edward Hopper House.
Born in Port Arthur, Texas. Attended Academie Julien in Paris and Black Mountain College in North Carolina. From 1955-63 designed and executed stage sets and costumes for Merce Cunningham Dance Company. Has exhibited voluminously world-wide with 1984 solo exhibitions at Museum of Contemporary Art in Houston; Galerie Beyeler in Basel, Harcourts Contemporary in San Francisco and Helland Thordin Wetterling Galleries in Stockholm. A major retrospective of his work in 1976 at the Museum of Modern Art in New York and San Francisco, the Albright-Knox Gallery in Buffalo and the Art Institute of Chicago. Other solo shows include Sonnabend Gallery in New York in 1983, Castelli Graphics in New York in 1978, 1982 and 1983; Jingxian, Anhui Province, China in 1983; Flow Ace Gallery in Los Angeles in 1983 and Museum of Modern Art in New York, in 1965 and 1967. Selected group exhibitions are in New York, Brooklyn Museum, and the La Jolla Museum of Contemporary Art in California. Awards include Grand Prix D'Honneur at International Exhibition of Graphic Art in Ljubljana, Yugoslacia in 1979. Was cofounder of Experiments in Art and Technology in 1966. Has been an active supporter of artist's rights.
Born in New York City. has exhibited solo at Saratoga Gallery in Saratoga Springs and Carnegie Hall Cinema in New York in 1968. Group shows include "Brooklyn '84" at the Brooklyn Museum and Gallery 99 in Woodstock, New York in 1975. Received Anna Memser Memorial Award at Woodstock Artists' Association and award for sculpture at Prudential Outdoor Art Show in Roseland, New Jersey in 1975.
Has had solo exhibitions at Belanthi Gallery in Brooklyn, New York in 1983 and Elaine Benson Gallery in Bridgehampton, New York in 1979. Group Shows include Miniatura Gallery in New York in 1981; Bronx Museum of Art, "Clay, Fiber, Metal: Women Artists" in 1978 and Art and Objects in Palm Beach in 1977 and 1978. Her wearable sculpture has been shown at Sculpture-To-Wear in New York's Plaza Hotel in 1977, Gallery 10 in New York in 1978 and Electrum in Easthampton, New York in 1981. Apprenticed with sculptor Hans van deBovenhamp in 1968. Was Artist-In-Residence at Metropolitan Museum of Art in 1977 and 1978.
Has shown at Elaine Benson Gallery in Bridgehampton, New York in 1983; Pace University Art Gallery in New York in 1983; Central Hall Artists in New York in 1979-1983; P.S. 1 in Queens, New York in 1982; "Kindred Spirits: Works by Joseph Cornell and Others" at Heckscher Museum in Huntington, New York in 1981; "Fourteenth Annual National Drawing and Small Sculpture Show" in Corpus Christi, Texas in 1980 and Silvermine Guild of Artists in New Canaan, Connecticut in 1980 and 1983. Received award from Five Towns Music & Art Foundation in Woodmere, New York in 1979.
Exhibitions include Bergen Museum of Arts & Science in New Jersey in 1985; Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey in 1984, "21st Biennial Art Exhibition" curated by Ann Percy at University of Delaware in 1984 and solo exhibition at Caravan House Gallery in New York in 1980. As gallery artist she has shown at Halo Gallery in Stockbridge, New York in 1984; Little Plaza Gallery in Santa Fe, New Mexico in 1983 and 1984; Kathryn Markel in New York in 1981 and 1982 and Judith Selkowitz Fine Arts in New York in 1981. She is on the Visiting Board of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and the Art Committee of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.