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Sept 25, 1912
[[images: character sketches of six people:
upper left: Lady with hair in a bun, wearing a long dress, captioned: old lady from Berlin with a great appetite and is the autocrat of my table.

upper right: man in a cap smoking a cigarette in a long holder, captioned Chaffeur to a rich man in 1st cabin funniest man of the lot and a good fellow.

right center: side view of two people, one on left wearing a cap captioned Mucnich cape and hood; figure on right with curly hair. Caption: Two Harvard students, who have the world lashed to the mast and standardized their ideas. (lots of fun!)

bottom left: portrait of a stern looking man, face darkened, captioned: The Californian rancher tough and weatherbeaten but no fool.

lower right: Woman holding a box labeled "candy," captioned: Swedish American girl traveling to Stockholm with her aunt to spend the winter there has a trunk full of candy and lays around with the jew boy.]]