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October 1973

LEE KRASNER - Draft Biography

1908 Born October 27, Leonore Kasner in Brooklyn, New York of Russian parents.

[[strikethrough]] 1922 [[/strikethrough]]
1926-29 Attends Women's Art School of Cooper Union

1928 July - attends Art Student's League and studies [[strikethrough illegible]] life drawing

[[strikethrough]] 1927/28 [[/strikethrough]]
1929-32 Attends National Academy of Design

1934 Works as an artist on Publics Works of Art Project [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] from January [[strikethrough]] and [[/strikethrough} until March

1934-35 [[strikethrough]] April [[/strikethrough]] Works as an artist for the Temporary Emergency Relief Administration

1935 August - Becomes an assistant, along with Harold Rosenberg, to muralist Max Spivak in WPA Federal Arts Project Mural Division

1936 First Meets Jackson Pollock at Artists Union loft party

1937-40 Studies with Hans Hofmann

1941 Invited by John Graham to participate in exhibition "French & American Painting" McMillen Gall. NY.

1945 October 25, marries Jackson Pollock at Marble Collegiate Church on Fifth Avenue, New York City.

1946 Begins Little Image series of painting

[[strikethrough]] 1950 [[/strikethrough]] 1949 Terminates Little Image paintings [[strikethrough]] and begins a new series [[/strikethrough]]

1950 - Begins new series of Paintings

1953 Begins collages

1956 Travels to Europe for first time

1959 Completes two mosaic murals for Uris Brothers, 2 Broddway, New York
Lives & works in NYC & The Springs