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1908 Born October in Brooklyn, New York
1926-1929 Attends Women's Art School of Cooper Union
1928 Attends Art Student's League
1929-1932 Attends National Academy of Design
1934 Works as an artist on Public Works of Art Project January until March
1935 August - becomes an assistant on WPA Federal Arts Project Mural Division
1936 First meets Jackson Pollock at Artists Union Party
1937-1940 Studies with Hans Hofmann
1940 Exhibits with American Artists Group at the American Fine Arts Galleries, New York
1942 Participates in John Graham's show at McMillen Gallery entitled "American and French Paintings"
1945 October, marries Jackson Pollock at Marble Collegiate Church, New York
1946-1950 Little Image Paintings
1951 First solo exhibition at Betty Parsons Gallery, New York

Janie C. Lee Gallery 2304 Bissonnet, Houston, Texas 77005, Telephone (713) 523-7306

Transcription Notes:
image = Janie C Lee Galleries Logo