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| July 14. 1865 #27. | Alvord Henry E. Capt & Supt | Bureau R.F. & A.L. Office Supt 5th Dist Va Alexandria Va July 12/65  Forwards report of two pieces of property recently turned over to him by agent of Treasury Dept. consisting of two houses & lots in that city Wolf St. cor of St. Asaph & Pitt. called Smith place & Dangerfield place. |
|   | [[note]] E.B. page 26. 1865. [[/note]] |   |

| July 16. 1865 #28 1/2 * | Adjutant General's Office T.M. Vincent A.A. General | Washington July 15, 1865  Acknowledges receipt of letter of 14th calling attention to com'n of 24th ult. requesting the detail Major Howe, Chap'n Chittenden and Priv. Logsdon 43'd & Ohio Vols. states the com'n of 24th was never received. Calls attention to copy of telegram to C.Q. Dept of Ky ordering the details, enclosed. (one enc) file. |
|   | [[note]] (See L B. June 24 & July 14 1865)[[/note]] |   |
| July 19. 1865 #29  | Adjutant Generals Office L. Thomas Adj't General. | Washington July 19, 1865  States that Mrs. Mary Blake near Vicksburg writes that Col. Thomas Sup't of Contrabands objects to contracts made with some thirty negroes, (while they are perfectly satisfied,) insisting that they shall be employed on his terms. &c. |
| [[note]] E.B. page 50 1865. | (Col. Thomas Ass't Com'r for rep't. July 20/65 [[line connecting up to Col. Thomas' name in letter]] [[/note]] |   | 
|   | [[note]] Rec'd bk with rep't & for'd. to A.G.O. Aug 16. 1865 [[/note]] | [[note]] Rec'd bk with add'l ins. from A.G.O. Aug 22'd  ret'd to Col Thomas A.G. [[/note]] |

| July 20, 1865 #30. | Ambrose N.M. Ac't M? Mil. Relief Ag't | Washington July 20. 1865  Refers case of James Holling Private "C" Co. 20th U.S.C.T. who was taken prisoner July 30, 1864 and paroled March 1865. He received $50. at the time of his muster in and nothing since. Asks for commutation of rations while a prisoner. | 
|   | [[note]] (Referred to Col. Foster A.A.G. for information July 20. 1865.) | (Recd. bk. for rep't and ret'd to Q.M.A. July 24/65 |
|   | see E.B. page 32. 1865) [[/note]] |   |

| July 21, 1865 #31 | Lamb Estella (From Treas. Dept) Lamb | Memphis Tenn. May 26, 1865  Petitions for the release of certain property in the vicinity of Memphis Tenn, herein described. (3 encls) file |

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| July 21, 1865 #32 | Avery W.T.  [[note]] Land [[/note]] | No Date  Petitions for the release of Real Estate in Memphis and vicinity. Official copy of Presidents Pardon enclosed. file (1 enc) | 
|   | (From Treas. Dep't) |   |

| July 31, 1865 #33 | Arnold J.D   | Huntsville Ala  No Date  Forwards for Mr Stokes, recommendations for his reappointment as Sup't of Freedmen &c. |
|   | [[note]] Brig. Gen'l C.B. Fiske Asst Com'r for his action Aug 1, 1865. [[/note]]

| July 31, 1865 #34  | Alvord H.E. Cap't & Sup't of Freedmen &c  | Alexandria Va.  July 25, 1865  Requests that certain enlisted men be detailed in Bureau R.F. & A.L. and ordered to report to him for duty. | 
| [[note]] E.B. 52. 1865 [[/note]] | [[note]] Referred to Maj. Gen. Angus Com'dg Dept Wash'n  Aug 2/65 requesting that the detail be made to report to Col. Marsh at Alexandria Va. (Rec'd bk with rep't and ret'd Aug 16, 1865) [[/note]] |   |

| July 31, 1865 #35   | Alvord H.E. Capt & Sup't Freedmen &c (from Col Brown A.C.) | Alexandria Va  July 22, 1865  Has moved his Hd. Qrs. to Alexandria. Asks instructions in regard to transfer of contraband tax fund. |
| [[note]] E.B. p:51 [[/note]] | [[line extends from Col Brown's name above down to the note below]]  |   |
|   | [[note]] Referred to Col. Balloch Chief D.O. for remark Aug July 4/65  Rec'd bk with rep't  ret'd to Col Brown Aug 17, 1865 [[/note]] |   |
| July 31, 1865 #36 | Alvord H.E. Capt & Sup't Freedmen &c. | Alexandria Va  July 22, 1865  Requests that application be made to the Secretary of War for the detail of Capt W.R. Morse, Cap't J.O. Dreyer and 2nd Lt. D.J. Connolly of 7 V.R.C. to report to him for duty. |
|   | [[note]] Referred Aug 14th 1865, to Maj. McMillan Chief Of V.R.C. P.M. Gen'ls Bureau, to know if these Officers can be had. [[/note]] |   | 

Transcription Notes:
Fixed mistakes and added some things. "C.Q" - Chief Quartermaster com'n - communication