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| July 28, 1865 27 & 26 28 29 file 30 31 32 32 34 35 36 37 38 | Clark Harvey Refd. July 28/65 to Col. Eaton Ass't Com'r for answer. | Syracuse N.Y. July 25, 1865  Can procure places for a number of colored servants, male and female, if they can be procured |

| July 28, 1865  #27 * | Cruger N  E.B. p. 39  Duplicate copy filed  Gen'l Saxton Ass't Com'r, July 21/65 for investigation & action | Griffin Ga  July 15, 1865  Concerning the disposition to be made of a gang of 60 negroes on his land, not belonging to him. Requests that they receive transportation to their former home which is now unoccupied. |

| July 29, 1865  #28 * | Chipman Chas. P. Co. "C" 9 V.R.C.  E.B. p. 39  Col. Ingraham Pr. Mar. July 29/65 for information | Office Pro. Mar. Gen'l  Washington July 28, 1865  Applies for position of clerk in Freedman's Bureau.  See S.O. 43 Ex  17 A.G.O. Aug 11/65 |

| July 29, 1865 #29 * | Conway Thos. W.  Ass't Com'r  Estimate appd retd. see L.B. July 29, 1865 | New Orleans La.  July 29, 1865  Forwards estimates of amount of clothing &c needed for supply of Freedmen &c for approval. |

| July 29, 1865  #30 | Conway Thos. W.  Ass't Com'r  Refd. July 31/65 to Surg. C. W. Horner for answer. | (Telegram) New Orleans La  July 28, 1865  Asks if three good physicians can be sent. |


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| July 29, 1865  #31 | Curley Spencer (Colored)  E.B. p. 44  Refd. July 31/65 to Col. Marsh Sup't of Freedmen for action & recd. bk. Aug 9. with rep't. retd with rept Aug 10. | Washington July 29, 1865  Affidavit; States that his son is detained in Woodville Va. by his former owner, who threatened his life when he went for him. |

| Aug 1, 1865  #32 * | Cowper L. C. N. Lt. Gov. Va.  E B p. 42 see C. 18. 1865  Claim Desk  Resp'y fowd. July Aug 2/65 to Brig. Gen'l Hardin  Recd. bk with papers requested Aug 12/65 and filed. | Portsmouth Va.  July 31, 1865  Acknowledges receipt of two communications endorsed to him, Submits evidence of Prince Holliday, one of the parties claiming pay for work, in former communication. States that he has forwarded to Col. Hardin Ass't Sec'y of War vouchers more full than this in relation to claims of Wm Gunnell Robert Daniel et; al; Requests that a reference be made for them. (1 enclo.) |

| Aug 5, 1865  #33 | Cullen J. S. D. Dr. and Dr E. S. Gaillard  E.B. p. 45  (Surg C. W. Horner Med. Dir. Aug 5/65 for his opinion & advice.) (Recd. bk. with rep't Aug 9.) (Retd. Aug 10.) | Richmond Va.  July 27, 1865  Proposals for establishment of Hospitals for Freedmen &c. |

| Aug 5, 1865  #34 * | Collins Danl.  Mayor  E.B. 44  Refd. Aug 7/65 to Capt. Moses H. Stephens 13 N.Y. Art. Judge &c for Freedmen, Norfolk Va. for rep't return. Recd. bk Aug 14 with report & filed with same. | Mayor's Office Portsmouh Va August 1, 1865  States cases of conflict of authority between Military and Civil Courts, in cases of Colored men, on account of different construction of orders from Bureau of Refugees &c. | 

Transcription Notes:
11/7 - all done