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| Sep't. 1. 1865 #37 | Martin & Hallet E.B. p. 66. Sec'y of the Treasury 2d Sept 1865. | Wilmington N.C. Aug 18. 1865 Statement concerning the occupation of property owned by them in Wilmington, and, requesting that it may be restored to them. | 

| Sep't 12. 1865 #37 * | Maryland State of Hon AW Bradford Governor file. (See LB to Gov. Bradford Sept 11. 1865) Presented by Gen'l Berry and verbally answered to him. | Anapolis Md. Sept 9. 1865 Concerning two colored children bound to Gen'l Berry Adj't Gen'l of Md. who have been ordered to return to their parents by authority of Bureau RF & AL. Recommends that they be allowed to remain. |

| Sept 13 1865 #38 | Maddox S.F. Ref'd Sept 13 to Col. Eaton Asst. Comr. For answer | Washington Sept 12 1865. Understanding that Camp Distribution has been turned over to Bureau R.F.& A.L. and that a freedmens camp is to be established there, requests position of Supt of it. |

| Sept 13 1865 #39 * | Middle Military Dept. Maj. Genl. W.S. Hancock Com'dg E.B. 12. 1865. File | Baltimore Md. Sept 20 1865. Asks if a Branch Office of Bureau Refugees &c is to be established in that State. Ref'd Sept 19, 1865. Rec'd bk Sept 27 with rept designating Lt. Coln R. Wilson A.D.C. Sufite'd |

| Sept 22 1865 #40 | Mann Maria A. Indexed | Harper's Ferry Sept 4 1865. Regarding the Schools and condition of Freedmen at that place (3 encls). Sept 22 Ref'd to Capt Lewis Dietz A.A.C.M. Harper's Ferry for such action as the interests of the Bureau may seem to require |


| Sept 25 1865 #41 | M'd Union Commissioner G.S. Griffiths Pres't | Baltimore Md. Sept 23. 1865. Asks transportation for Mr. Sam'l Grub, wife & child (Refugees) to Atlanta Ga. and for Mr. Olmstead Judd (Ref) to Indianapolis Ind. (Two communications) Sept 25 Ret'd with copies of G.O. 135 AGO CS. as these people are not dependent or good for support the W. Dept cannot furnish the transportation |

| Sept 29 1865 #42 * | Middle Mil. Dept. Maj Genl W.S. Hancock Com'dg Official copy File Original returned Sept 29, 1865 | Baltimore Md. Sept 25 1865  Encloses papers concerning the difficulties at Harpers Ferry Va. between the Whites and Negroes, with report of Brig. Genl. J.B. Van Patton thereon and endorsement of Genl H.H. Emory |

| Oct 2 1865 #43 | Miller Thos W. 2 Lt USCT Asst Supt. | Raleigh N.C. Sept 26 1865. Requests to be retained in service after the muster out of his reg't. (Fow'd by Col. W. Whittlesey) Ret'c Oct 2 The Secy of War will not retain officers after the muster out of their reg't |

| Oct 3 1865 #44 | Missouri State of Hon. T.C. Fletcher Gov. | City of Jefferson Mo. Sept 14 1865. Recommends that Brig. Genl. C.P. Fisk Asst Comr be promoted by Brevet. Oct 3 Sent to Secy of War without end't |

| Jan 3d 1865 #45 * | Mattock Lucius C. Maj 17 Ills Infty. File | St Louis Mos. May 29 1865. Application for a position in Freedmen's Bureau |

| May 1865 #46 * | Monfest Isaac W. File | Application for appointment as Comr. of Freedmens Bureau |