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[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 29th 1865 #13 * | Northcott R S File. Ansd Form No 2 May 31 1865. From Secretary of War. | May 26 1865. Asks for appointment of Minister Resident to Sardina or Asst Commissioner of Bureau of Refugees Freedmen &c with the rank of Brig Genl |

| June 12th 1865 #14. * | Nelson W F Chaplain USA File - one enclosure. | Cincinnati O. May 27 1865, Relative to Freedmen affairs - Requests a position in Bureau &c -Eencloses certificate &c |

| June 3d 1865. #15. * | Ninde James G 127 Ills File | Washington DC June 1865. Introduces himself by letter to Gen Howard and requests position in Freedmens Bureau. |

| June 14 1865 #16. * | Nevell William G. File. Ansd June 15 1865. | Rockford Ills June 8 1865. Makes application for position |

| July 25th 1865 #17. * | Neff B. MD. File. | Washington Dc July 24 1865. Makes application for position |

| July 28 1865 #18 * | Nordenstrall Thor. File Ansd July 31 1865. | Norfolk Va. July 25 1865. Makes application for clerkship |

| Aug 5 1865 #19 * | Nye Geo H. Col. 29th Me V Vols File Ansd Aug 3rd 1865 | Darlington SC July 27 1865. Making application for position |


| Aug 1 1865 #20. * | Nixon J.H. File | Cambridge N Y July 25 1865. Asking position for Rev. S.S. Potter of New Albany NY. |

| Aug 10th 1865 #21 * | Nelson Robert File Ansd Aug 16th 1865. | Brighton Pa. Aug 8' 1865. | Application for position as teacher of col'd schools. |

| Sept 5 1865 #22. * | Nordstram C E File Ansd in person Sept 5 1865. | Alexandria Va. Sept 5 1865. Makes application for position |

| Sept 5 1865 #23. * | Newton E T File No answer. | Makes application for position |

| Sept 30 1865 #24 * | Neff C J MD File. | Lonia Allen Co Ohio Sept 20 1865  Application for position |

| June 8' 65 #25. * | Newburry E S E Capt | Philadelphia June 6' 1865 Asks information relative to sale of Abandoned Lands. |