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[[3 columned table]]
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| May 2st1 1865 #75 * | Pernier M File | New York City. May 20 1865. Calls careful attention to enclosed suggestions |

| July 15 1865 #76. * | Purpent F H File | Richmond  Va. States that a large amount of property (real estate) in cities of Norfolk & Portsmouth are in hands of persons employed in "Military Service" and others. |

| July 19 1865 #77. * | Peirson H W File. | New York City July 15 1865 Relative to the labor among colored people |

| July 17 1865. #78. * | Palmer J A Maj Genl File. Copy of telegram | Louisville Ky. July 16 1865. Reports the 43d O.V.I. mustered out of service |

| July 31 1865 #79 * | Paine C G G File | Cambridge Mass. July 26 1865 Asks information in relation to establishing schools in the Southern States. |

| Aug 3rd 1865 #80. * | Plumbley B. Rush File | New Orleans La. July 26 1865. In relation to his having been relieved by order of Maj Gen. Canby |

| Aug 3df 1865 #81. * | Perkins Jno S File | Charleston Mass. August 1 1865. Desires information in regard to deserted plantations |


| Sept 6 1865 #85 * | President US File | Executive September 6 1865. Refers case of W G Smith - states his views &c and facts about the negroes in his vicinity |

| Sept 12 1865 #83. * | President US R.D. Mussey Mil Sec. File. | Executive September 9' 1865. Refers case of Wm Hick - applies for land and 5 to 10.000 negroes to establish a colony whom he will educate, and who afar the first year will support themselves and repay the Government for expenses of tools. rations &c. |

| Spt 15 1865 #84. * | Pratt B F Lt Col 36 USCT. File | Ansd Sept 16 1865. | No Waymouth Mass. Sept 13 1865 Makes inquiries concerning an application made Aug 16 1865 by Genl Wild for his detail for duty in Freedmen's Bureau |

| Sept 2 1865 #85 * | Parker Rachel File Art granted | Lake Village N.C. August 30 1865. Asks for transportation for herself & child to Charleston S C. |

| SEpt 20 1865 #86 * | Pillsburg G AACFB File | Charleston S C Aug 8 1865 States that matters in that city and State are in a very unsatisfactory condition as regards the states of the freedmen, and that as a representative of the Bureau he has not the opposing currents with all the power which could be brought to bear against them guided by instructions [[send?]] from Washington. |