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| May 26' 1865 #1. * | Raymond Chas. A. Chaplain, & Supt Public Education Dist E. Va. | Fort Monroe Va. May 20 1865 Statement relative to Government Schools at Fort Monroe. file. |

| May 29th 1865 #2 | Ross John Principal Chief and others, Cherokee Delegates | Washington D.C. March 23d 1865 Calls attention to Act of Congress, authorizing relief for Indian Refugees, and requests that directions be given for this purpose at Fort Gibson & Fort Smith.
Referred to Dept Interior probably sent to this Bureau by mistake. |

| May 29th 1865 #3 * | Russell Ruth to Asst. Secy of War | New Bedford Mass. May 25th 1865 Desires to superintend an industrial school at the South. file. |

| May 25. 1865 #4 * | Robert C.R. to Hon Henry Wilson | New York May 19th 1865. Enclosing papers from Rev. H.H. Moore Chaplain 54th U.S.Col'd Troops containing suggestions in reference to the future of our Colored population. What is to be done with abandoned Lands &c &c
Referred by Senator Wilson file. |

| June 3d 1865 #5 * | Reichele Wm F. Supt Schools Pa. Freedmen's Relief Association. | Nashville Tenn. May 29th 1865. Reports that he has been engaged for 15 month in relieving the sufferings in the Contraband Camps, organizing schools &c, in Dept of Cumberland. Gives information as to number of schools and scholars &c file. |