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| Aug 25. 1865 #26 * | Rock Jas C. Pvt. 243 Co. S Batt V.R.C. App'd for detail made Sept 8. 1865 | Washington Aug 24 1865, Requests detail as clerk or Messenger in Bureau R.F.& A.L. Encloses letter of recommendation. file. |

| Sept 9. 1876 #27 | Rucker D.H. Bvt. Maj. Genl. Ch'f QM Depot Washington | Washington Sept 9, 1865. Refers com'n of Capt S.B. Lauffer A.Q.M. concerning the disposition to be made of $3941.37/100 collected from colored employees in mo. of Jany for support of indigent contraband, with request that Gen. Howard designate the officer to receive this money. Ref'd Sept 7 to Col Balloch Ch'f Act'g Dist Off who will receive account for this money |

| Sept 14. 1865 #28 | Randolph J.C. Late Supt U.S.C. Enlistment | Nicholasville Ky. Sept 11 1865. Discusses the condition of the blacks in Ky, and their future prospects. 
Sept 18 to Gen. Fisk Asst Comr for his consideration, the writer has been notified of this reference |

| Sept 14. 1865 #29 | Rummer A.S. Maj. 68 N.Y.V.V. | Atlanta Ga. Aug 26 1865. States that he has been appointed in Bureau R.F.& A.L. at that point. Asks if he can be retained in that position after the muster out of his reg't. Rec'd Sept 18. There is no way by which you can be retained after the muster out of your reg't. |

| Sept 17. 1865 #30 | Rush  C.W. Lt. Asst Supt (From Col Brown Asst Com. Ret'd Sept 18 not granted Indexed | Sussex C.H. Va. Sept 13, 1865. Applies for leave of absence for 15 days |


| Aug 29 1865 #31 * | Rhodes J.E. File | Penn Freedmen Relief Assoc. Aug 28 1865. Asks transportation for five ladies to go to South Carolina as Teachers. |

| Aug 31 1865 #32. * | Rhoades Jas E. Cor Secy &c File. | Philadelphia Pa. Aug 29 1865. Calls attention to inquiry recently made concerning certain land in York Co. Va. upon which houses and villages have been build for Freedmen by the Association. Requests an early decision |

| June 23 1865 #33 * | Rogers Miss Sarah A. File. Ansd June 23d 1865. | New York June 12 1865. Requests transportation for herself and mother to Mobile Ala. |

| May 1865. #34 * | Raymond Chas A. Chaplain USA File - one enclosure | Fort Monroe May 12' 1865. Presents views in regard to relations of Government to education and public schools at the South. |

| May 20 1865 #35. * | Randall Alex W. 1st Asst PM Genl. File. | Washington DC May 19 1865. Extending the franking privilege to the Freedmen's Bureau |

| July 28 1865 #36 * | Rudpalt James File | Walden Mass July 21 1865. Calling attention to the conduct of white troops stationed at Charleston |