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[[3 columned table]]
| --- | --- | --- |

| Sept 7 1865 #135 * | Sieber Aug R File | Pottsville Pa Sept 6 1865 Application for position |

| Sept 2d 1865 #136. * | Stephens A M File. | Waterloo Wis Sept 2d 1865 Makes application for position |

| Aug 21 1865 #137. * | Spring Jas W Asst Pro Mar Genl. File | Winchester Va. Aug 20 1865 Application for position |

| July 1 1865 #138. * | Schenck E S Capt 33 Mo Infantry File | Selma Ala June 15 1865 Application for position |

| Sept 1865 #139 * | Sonnally Geo W File | New York Sept 14 1865 Requesting the appointment of Rev Geo O Glavis in Freedmens Bureau |

| Sept 14 1865 #140 * | Smith H W Bvt Maj and AA.G File | Head Qrs Dept of Washington Sept 14 1865 Application to be assigned duty in BRF& AL. |

| Sept 21 1865 #141 * | Spencer Geo W File | East Buke Vt. Sept 16 1865 Application for position. |

| Sept 21 1865 #142 * | Shaw Joseph File | Zanesville O Sept 18 1865 Requesting appointment in Freedmens Bureau |

| Sept 24 1865 #143 * | Starkweather A G File. | Washington DC Sept 27 1865. Applies for position |


| June 1 1865 #144 * | Shaw Geo Francis File | New York May 31 1865. States that the Freedmen's Relief Association of Boston, NY, Philada & Baltimore have been consolidated under the name of "American Freedmens Hd Union". |

| June 14 1865 #145 * | Shaw Geo Francis File. | New York June 12 1865 Requesting favorable consideration of an appointment to be made by Rev. Henry G. Fox |

| July 15 1865 #146 * | Shepherd J R File | Chicago Ill. July 13 1865 Asking the issue of rations to be resumed |

| Sept 8 1865. #147 * | Shepherd J R File | Chicago Ill Sept 5 1865 Relative to the turning over of $ 7000.00 worth of stores belonging to U.S.S. Com for benefit of freedmen. |

| July 27 1865 #148. * | Shepherd J R File | Chicago Ills Acknowledging receipt of communication of 17 inst & citing Mr Risley Supervising Agent of the Treasury Dept for information in regard to the four million fund |

| Sept 14 1865 #149 * | Shepherd J R File 151 & 152 Page 38 | Chicago Ills Sept 11 1865 Telegram |

| Aug 1865 #150 * Mistake for 151 See page 438- (151 to        | Seely F A Capt & AQM | New Berne NC Aug 5 1865 Requesting for assignment for duty |