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| Aug 1865 #165 * | Smiley Mrs. Sarah F. File - one enclosure | Providence R.I. Aug 14 1865. In relation to taking the census of freedmen in Va. and other States |

| Sept 23 1865 #166 * | Schanck J.W. File | Brunswick N.J. Sept 21 1865. Writes to know if he can obtain from 20 to 50 colored women to go south as servants. |

| Sept 17 1865 #167. * | S. File. | Youngstown Ohio Sept 12 1865 Enclosing slips concerning the coming of the Miss Militia & fear of negro insurrection, also makes comments on President Johnson policy. |

| June 30 1865 168. * | South Dept of. Q. A. Gillmon Maj Genl. File | Hilton Head S.C. June 28 1865. Enclosing manuscript copy of Gen Order# 102 from his Head Qrs. |

| #169. * | Saxton R. Genl. & Asst. Comr. File | Beaufort S.C. Sept 12 1865. Acknowledges receipt of order relieving Genl Wild and regrets the necessity of so doing. states he has no one to assign in his place and asks that a competent officer be sent him for that duty. Encloses Copy of letter sent Genl. Studman |

| Sept 15 1865 #170 | Saxton R. Genl Asst Comr. File. (Circular Filed) | Beaufort S.C. Sept 12 1865. Transmits for the information of the Chief of Bureau Copies of Genl Orders #11,12, and 13, from these Head Quarters |


| Sept 15 1865 #171 * | Saxton R. Genl Asst. Comr. File | Beaufort S.C. Sept 9' 1865. States he shall forward as soon as possible complete information called for in Cir 8 Gives difficulty in placing suitable agents in Field and getting details of officers. speaks of operations in his Dipt. |

| Sept 13 1865 #172. * | Saxton R. Genl & Asst Comr. File. | Beaufort S.C. Sept 8 1865. Encloses copy of letter from Maj. Genl Meade requesting law to desist from further seizure of Abandoned Lands. |

| June 30 1865 #173. * | Saxton R. Genl Asst Comr. File. | Washington D.C. June 30 1865. Requests that Capt Chas. H. McCreery "F" Co & Michigan Vols be ordered to report to him for duty. |

| June 27 1865 $174. | Saxton R. Genl Asst. Comr. File. | Beaufort S.C. Letter of transmittal copy circular No 1 C.S. |

| Aug 1 1865 # 175 * | Saxton R. Genl Asst Com File. | Beaufort S.C. June 11 1865. Requests the detail of a good officer to report to him to secure all monies that may come into his hands or account of Freedmens Bureau. |

| Sept 10 1865 # 176. * | Saxton R. Genl Asst. comr. File | Beaufort S.C. Sept 11 1865. Calls attention to the propriety of transferring his Head Qrs. to Charleston S.C. |