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| Aug 1, 1865 #259 * | Sprague J.W. Brig Genl Asst. Comr. File | Saint Louis Mo. July 26 1865. Transmits the reports of 
Chaplain Joel Grant |

| Aug 5 1865 #260 * | Sprague J.W. Brig Genl Asst. Comr. File | Saint Louis Mo.  Aug 21 1865. Acknowledges receipt of dispatch. States it is impossible to find officers for responsible positions. Asks for two AQM's who are in service |

| Aug 7 1865 #261 *| Sprague J.W. Brig Genl Asst. Comr. File | Saint Louis Mo.  Aug 3 1865. Acknowledges receipt of papers pertaining to Bureau & transmits copies of orders issued. |

| Aug 10 1865 #262 * | Sprague J.W. Brig Genl Asst. Comr. File | St Louis Mo. August 7 1865. Reports of Lt. Col. Williams as having returned from an extended tour of inspection to all important places in Ark and Mo. |

| Aug 21 1865 #263 * | Sprague J.W. Brig Genl Asst. Comr. File | Saint Louis Mo. August 21 1865. Asks the detail of certain officers to report to him. |

| Sept 12 1865 #264 * | Sprague J.W. Brig Genl Asst. Comr. File | Saint Louis Mo. Sept 8 1865. Aks for an order to enable him to draw mileage while traveling within the limits of his District |

| Sept 18 1865 #265 * | Sprague J.W. Brig Genl Asst. Comr. File | Saint Louis Mo. Sept 1 1865. Requests permission to move his Head Qrs to Memphis Tenn. |


| Sept 15 1865 #266 * | Sprague J.W. Brig Genl Asst. Comr. File | Saint Louis Mo. Sept 11 1865. Acknowledges receipt of letter of 6' inst. in relation to apprehended insurrection of freedmen |

| Sept 22 1865 #267. * | Sprague J.W. Brig Genl Asst. Comr. File | Saint Louis Mo. Sept 22 1865. Asks if Capt. D.H. Williams A.A.G. can be assigned to him for duty. |

| Sept 25 1865 #268 * | Sprague J.W. Brig Genl Asst. Comr. File | Saint Louis Mo. Sept 25 1865. Reports receipt of order assigning Capt Williams to duty. |

| Sept 23 1865 #269 * | Sprague J.W. Brig Genl Asst. Comr. File | Saint Louis Mo. Sept 23 1865. States that Capt. Williams leaves for Ohio for muster-out and that he will return if ordered. |

| June 16 1865 #270 * | Sprague J.W. Brig Genl Asst. Comr. File | Saint Louis Mo. June 16 1865. States that QM Dept does not feel authorized to furnish quarters and office furniture without further orders. |

| June 19 1865 #271 * | Sprague J.W. Brig Genl Asst. Comr. File | Saint Louis Mo. June 17 1865. Estimates concerning compensation for freedmen. |

| June 29 1865 #272. * | Sprague J.W. Brig Genl Asst. Comr. File | Saint Louis Mo. June 27 1865. No abandoned lands are known in Missouri has no report from Ark is going there as soon as orders received. |