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| Aug 9. 1865 #36 | Walden J.M. Rev'd Cor. Sec. Western Aid Ass'n | Cincinnati Ohio August 7 1865. Recommends 1 Lt. J.S. Irwin as a suitable man for Supt of Freedmen's Home in Cin. O. ref'd Aug 10. to Col Foster A.A.G. to know if he can be assigned |

| Aug 16. 1865 #37 * Indexed | Whittlesey E. Col & Asst Comr for N.C. Telegram. See L.B. Aug 18 1865 | Raleigh N.C. August 16 1865. Requests the detail of Capt N.C. Lawrence AQM to report to him. file |

| Aug 19. 1965 #38 | Wild Edw'd A. Brig Gen Vols. | Requests the detail of Lt. W.F. Hayward 37 U.S.C.T. as ADC on his staff. (fow'd & rec'd by Gen Saxton) Fow'd to A.G.O. Aug 19 1865. Recd bk Sept 2 for recom'd. Reforwarded Sept 4 "approved" |

| Aug 19. 1865 #39 | Saxton R. Bvt. Maj. Genl & Asst. Comr. | Beaufort N.C. August 14 1865. Requests that Mr. R. Tomlinson (civilian) be appointed Capt. in the 128 USCT & detailed for duty in Bureau R.F.& A.L. Forw'd to Col C.W. Foster A.A.G. approved Aug 9/65 - Recd bk with rept Aug 22 and same day sent to Gen Saxton |

| Aug 19. 1865 #40 | Saxton R. Bvt. Maj. Genl & Asst. Comr. E.B.p.52. Ret'd Aug 19 1865. | Beaufort S.C. August 14 1865. Requisition for 10,000 copies of enclosed "Form of Contract" |

| Aug 19. 1865 #41 * | Whittlesey E. Col. & Asst Comr. N.C. See L.B. Aug 21. 1865. | Raleigh N.C. August 14, 1865. Requests the detail of Priv H.C. Hoag 2" N.Y. Hy Art. to report to him for duty. |


| Aug 21. 1865 #42 | Whittlesey E. Col & Asst Comr N.C. | Raleigh N.C. Aug 15 1865. For'd to requisition for Stationery, approved, and requests that the Q.M. at Washington may fill the same as the articles cannot be procured in N.C. Aug 21. Ref'd to Capt Brown A.Q.M. who will please in that some means are taken to fill these requisitions. |

| Aug 15. 1865 #43 | Watkins L.D. Mil Com'dr From A.G.O. Ret'd Aug. 21 1865. | Louisville Ky. Aug 7 1865. Requests information as to whether deceased colored refugees should be buried by the A.M. Dept or by the Freedmen's Bureau. |

| Aug 21. 1865 #44 * | War Dept Pro. Mar. Genls Office. J.M L. Hildt Bvt Col & AAAG. | Washington Aug 21 1865. States that he is directed to inform that the following appointments of clerk &c in Bureau R.F.& A.L. have been approved by the Adjt Genl USA. 
Isaac A Bemis Clerk of 3d class to date July 22. 1865.
Augustus H. Johnson Clerk of 3d class to date July 22 1865.
Wm. H. Prichard Clerk of 1st class to date June 27 1865.
Jno B. Littlewood Clerk of 1st class to date July 22 1865.
P. Raleigh Raines Clerk of 1st Class to date July 22 1865.
Chas Weiss to be Messenger at a salary of $50 per month from date of actual employment. To be paid by Lt. Col J.M L Hildt USA mustering & Dis. officer from the fund for "Collecting, Drilling" organizing Vols." |

| Aug 21. 1865 #45 | War Department Eckherht T.T. Act. Asst. Sec'y of War. | Washington August 19 1865. Inquires whether Officers connected with Bureau R.F.& A.L. have been furnished with lists of official newspapers of the War Dept. and with regulations relative to advertising and job printing. Ret'd Aug 22. with inf'n that copies have been furnished with instructions to such Asst Comr. |