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| July 10 1865. #95. * | Willets Jacob. File. | Indianapolis Ind. July 7 1865. Asking information in regard to future operation of the Bureau. |

| July 21 1865 #96 * | Willets Jacob. File. | Indianapolis Ind. July 12 1865. In relation to transportation for Refugees |

| Aug 4 1865 #97. * | Willets J. File. | Indiana U.R.R. Association. July 28 1865. Acknowledging receipt of requisition for transportation |

| July 6 1865 #98. * | Whipple George Core Sec'y. File | American Miss Associat'n New York Aug 20 1865. Asking that free transportation be furnished Mr. and Mrs Cardoza to go to Charleston S.C. as teachers of freedmen. |

| July 8th 1865. #99. * | Whittle O.H. Capt 72 Ills Infantry. File | Union Springs June 8 1865, Giving a report of affairs in Arkansa |

| June 25 1865 #100. * | Wiseman Philip Maj 3 U.S.C.T. File. | Washington D.C. June 13 1865. Submits plan in regard to the future of colored soldiers in U.S. Army. |

| June 29 65. #101 * | Warlock E.H. Lieut & Secy File. | New Orleans La. June 15 1865. Encloses published report of the Board of Education. |


| June 23' 1865 #102 * | Williams J and C. File. | Fredericksburg Va June 19 1865. Reports that Frank Brooks living six miles from Fredericksburg has driven from his plantation all slaves old and young, throwing them upon the world without any means of support. |

| June 24 1865 #103. * | Watkins F.A. File. | Farmville Pa June 19 1865. Asks information in regard to the system of labor in the employment of freedmen. |

| July 10 1865 #104. * | Woodhull Max Maj & A.A.G. file. | Louisville Ky. July 6 1865. Desires to know when the 43 Ohio Infantry will be mustered out and placed in en-route to home |

| #105. * | Wendall W.H.D. file. | Austin Miss. July 20 1865. States by present arrangements of Districts he is thrown into Vicksburg District and asks if consistent he and his contract be transferred to Memphis Dist. |

| July 27 1865. #106 * | Weston Charles P. File | Reading Mass. July 23d 1865. Asks who is Asst. Comr for Ga & Fla. |

| Aug 22 1865 #107. * | Warner Yardly. File. | Germantown Pa. August 11 1865. Stated tat the location of schools in N.C. and Va have been successful. |