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[[stamp]] The National Archives of the United States [[/stamp]]  13 2 eve

We Colored people on Roanok Island are willing to Submit to anything that we know the President or his Cabinet Say because we have Got sinse enough to believe it is our duty to do every thing we Can do to aid Mr Lyncoln and the Government but we are not willing to work as we have done for Chaplain James and be Troden under foot and Get nothing for it we have work faithful Since we have been on the Island we have built our log houses we have Cultivate our acre of Ground and have Tried to be less exspence to the Government as we Possible Could be and we are yet Trying to help the Government all we Can for our lives those head men have done every thing to us that our Masters have done except by and Sell us and now they Are Trying to Starve the woman & children to death cutting off they ration they have Got So now that they want Give them no meat to eat, every ration day beef & a little fish and befor the Ten days is out they are going from one to another Trying to borrow a little meal to last until ration day  Mr Streeter will just order one barrel of meet for his fish men and the others he Gives nothing but beaf but we thank the Lord for that if we no it is the President or the Secretary orders this is what want to know Whoes orders it is, one of our minister Children was fool to ration house and [[strikethrough]] off [[/strikethrough]] Sent off and his father working three days in every week for his ration

Transcription Notes:
Not sure about what I'm pretty sure is a date in the upper right. Please tell me I'm not crazy *Upper corner could be "B 2 enc" - sounds right to me