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compartments and intended to contain 20 or 30 inmates. As many more are in process of erection. The cost of these "Cottages" is $400 each. I could get no accurate estimate of the cost of the larger buildings. The lumber is sawed almost entirely by the Machinery in charge of the Post Qr. Master and the doors shingles &c are made here. The Cottages are to be paid for (theoretically) by the soldiers whose families occupy them, at the rate of $25 each, as a gross rental during the whole time occupied, but no contracts are made and there is no practical system established for carrying out this design. 200 acres of arable land have been plowed and are to be devoted to gardening and raising broom corn this summer - from which brooms will be manufactured by the women during the Winter. This experiment is just being initiated and no data as to its economy or practical workings can be furnished.

The establishment is in excellent condition. The barracks clean, the general health of the people good, and the drainage and police of the grounds fair. This bids fair to become a large and expensive experiment, and without careful supervision by the Department Commander, extravagant outlays are to be apprehended. There are a number of buildings now unused, or not needed in Camp Nelson, the material of which is good and perfectly