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Freedman's Village Va
June 9th 1865

Colonel John Eaton
Asst. Com. Bureau of Freedmen &c

I have the honor to state that in compliance with instructions contained in your letter of the 8th inst. I proceeded on board the United States Steamer "Diamond" commanded by Capt. T.C. Hardy.

In reply to my questions relative to the treatment, food, pay &c, received by the colored men employed upon the "Diamond," Capt Hardy stated, that they were kindly treated and that the food given them was good, he purchasing it in Georgetown D.C. Market.  He claims to have agreed to pay the men employed in the fire department ($40.) forty dollars per month and to the deck hands ($20.)twenty dollars per month. 

He (Capt. Hardy) says his contract requires him to give his hands, food, equal to soldiers rations, both in quality and quantity.  He claims to be unable to pay the men the amount of wages due