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U.S.A. Steamer "Diamond"
Washington D.C
June 19. 1865

To Col. G.D. Wise
Quarter Master Gen'l Dept

Having been given to understand through Capt Hardy, commanding this Vessell that they 'colored' men of my dep't have enterd complaint against myself & Ass't Eng'rs for illtreatment. I consider it my duty to give you all particulars-- When the Vessell left Hilton Head S.C. the freemen & Coalpassers did not want to come in the Vessell for the reason that the did not want to come North Capt J.L. Kelly A.Q.M. promised the men that the Vessell was coming directly back again, so the came on those conditions, since the have been down here the found out that the ship was not going back again, and they have tried all maners of ways to get discharged & to get transportation back to S.C. one of the men refused to go to work and went on shore & tried to persuade the rest to do the same, but the were satisfied to remain on board until duly discharged

I would furthermore state that their as not a man been abused or illtreated by myself or Ass'ts to my knowledge since the have been on board

Resp'lly Your Obt. Servt.
T Musgrave
Chf Eng'r Steamer Diamond