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Iowa City, May 22, 1865

Hon. James Harlan,

Dr. Sir:

As I see that Gen. O.O. Howard has been appointed at the head of the Freedmen's Bureau, I presume the other appointments will soon be made; and in view of the possibility of President Johnson desiring to fill the place under that Bureau in Tennessee, with some personal friend of his own, I have thought it would not be improper for me to indicate to you what my preferences would be, if a similar position was open to me in another state.  Wherever I go, I desire to take my family, with a view to a permanent settlement there, and therefore I desire not to go too far South.  After Tennessee, my first choice would be Virginia, which I presume would locate me at Richmond, and my Second North Carolina, which would settle me at Raleigh.  This is, I think, as far South as it would be safe or pleasant for me to go, and where, perhaps, I could be as useful in assisting to build up free institutions, as in any other portion of the country.  While I cheerfully leave the whole matter in your hands, and shall abide your judgement, I trust you will not take amiss an indication of my preferences.

I learn from Maj. Stanton that he has been ordered to Richmond in charge, and that he desires to have me with him, and if I could be ordered to Washington, I would request the Paymaster Gen. to send me down there.

I leave here tomorrow for Louisville, where I shall remain till ordered elsewhere, and shall be ready for any call that may be made upon me.