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Office Assistant Commissioner,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands
New Orleans, June 9th 1865.

Major General O.O. Howard
Commissioner, Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
War Department, Washington D.C.

I am in receipt of Circular 1 and 2 from your Office, and will do all in my power to make them effective.  As at present I have charge of West Florida, Mississippi, Alabama, and Louisiana I desire that, as soon as Asst. Commissioners are appointed for these States, I be notified, so that I may relinquish the supervision I now exercise under the orders of Maj. Genl. Canby, dated at Mobile, May 22d, 1865.

We are doing very well down here. So far as Louisiana is concerned, we are in good shape because we have had plenty of time.  The crops are doing very well, and the Freedmen are all employed.  There is a scarcity of labor.

I am preparing an Extensive statement and will soon forward it.

I have the honor to be General
Very Respectfully
Your obt. servt.
Thomas W. Conway
Assistant Commissioner &c Louisiana

Transcription Notes:
Per SI reference numbers at top should be included. Edited: number at top of page not a part of document; added in missing word and fixed a few mistranscriptions The two dots between "shape" and "because" in the second paragraph I took to be ink dribbles rather than punctuation