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civil institutions as a uniform and universal system of education among the people?

The different educational training at the South from what it is at the North is really at the foundation of our dreadful war.  Of this I was assured by a highly educated man who graduated from the University of Ia. and the Law School of Harvard, Mass.  The one, he said, taught the right of secession under the Constitution, and the other denied that right.

The same difference extended to other subjects and to all the formative influences of thought and of sentiment in the two sections were radically unalike and antagonistic.

How could was be prevented under such circumstances, or can it be in the future, without a uniform system of free schools and education? 

I have spent my life as a preacher, pastor,

Transcription Notes:
I didn't know what to do about the markings in the left margin - they don't seem to be writing